
The Herc the Merc Challenge in BitLife – Complete Guide

Hey everyone, and welcome back to latest challenge! Today, we’re completing the Herc the Merc Challenge in BitLife. If you’re looking for tips on how to complete this challenge quickly, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

The Herc the Merc Challenge

Here is complete Guide on BitLife BitLife Mod APK :

Step 1: Being Born in Chile

To begin this challenge, you need to ensure that your character is born in Chile. If your randomly assigned birthplace isn’t Chile, you can restart the game until you get it.

Step 2: Skipping to Age 18

Since the challenge primarily requires actions that can be taken after becoming an adult, I skipped ahead to age 18. This helped streamline the process and allowed me to focus on completing the objectives.

Step 3: Making Friends… and Then Enemies

During school, I made a few friends. However, since part of the challenge requires turning friends into enemies, I went ahead and started changing their statuses. I did this with five different friends, which is an important step in progressing through the challenge.

Step 4: Hitting the Gym and Finding a Date

Next, I headed to the gym to increase my athleticism. This also helped with another part of the challenge, which required dating someone from the gym. I spammed the gym option about ten times at age 18 to boost my athletic stats. Fortunately, gym visits aren’t too expensive, so I didn’t have to worry about losing too much money.

Step 5: Executing the Challenge Objective

The next step was to target enemies and perform certain actions. I successfully completed one on my first attempt, but I got caught. I decided to take a risk and run, which worked out fine. To avoid suspicion, I spaced out my actions over a few years instead of doing everything at once.

At this stage, I had completed three attempts, and I was carefully aging up in between. Finding enemies became trickier as I progressed, so I highly recommend making as many friends as possible and turning them into enemies early on.

Eventually, I managed to complete all five required actions, which left me with just one final step.

Step 6: Proposing and Getting Married

The last requirement was to marry someone I met at the gym. To ensure my proposal was successful, I went ahead and bought a diamond ring. I chose a flash mob proposal, and it worked!

After that, I opted for the cheapest wedding option and skipped the prenuptial agreement. With that, the challenge was complete!

Final Thoughts on Herc the Merc Challenge

I successfully completed the Herc the Merc Challenge and ranked 61st in the world. If you’re planning to take on this challenge, my biggest tips are:

  • Make a lot of friends early on so you can turn them into enemies later.
  • Space out your actions to avoid getting caught.
  • Spam the gym visits to boost athleticism and find a date.
  • Use a high-value ring to increase the success rate of your proposal.

I hope this guide helps you in completing the challenge! If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments. Happy gaming!