How to Rob Train in BitLife – A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome, BitLife enthusiasts! I hope you’re all doing well. Bitlife have launched an event on the basis of Historical Train Robbery Event in 1963. I’ll be walking you through the process how to Rob Train in Bitlife. But before we dive into the process, let’s take a brief look into history event to pulling off a successful train robbery in BitLife.

How to Rob Train in Bitlife

Historical Background: Great Train Robbery of 1963

The Great Train Robbery remains one of the most infamous heists in history, executed at Bridego Railway Bridge famously known as Mentmore Bridge in Buckinghamshire, England. This daring robbery occurred in the early hours of August 8, 1963.

A meticulously organized gang of 17 criminals, led by Bruce Richard Reynolds, managed to intercept the Royal Mail train and made off with a whopping £2.6 million, equivalent to nearly £50 million today. Among the gang, Ronald “Ronnie” Biggs became a household name, not just for his role in the robbery but also for his dramatic escape from prison in 1965. Biggs lived as a fugitive for 36 years, turning the heist into a legendary tale of crime and intrigue.

Now that we’ve brushed up on some historical context, it’s time to channel that outlaw spirit into your BitLife character and execute a train robbery in Bitlife of your own.

Complete Preparation on How to Rob Train in Bitlife:

Robbing a train in BitLife is not a cup of tea, and timing plays a crucial role in your success. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you need to do to prepare your character for this high-stakes operation:

  • Create a Character Inspired by Ronnie Biggs:
  • For this guide, I’ve created a character who is the fictional sister of Ronnie Biggs, keeping the legacy alive in the digital world of BitLife.
  • Understanding the Importance of Timing:
  • The key to a successful train robbery in BitLife lies in synchronizing the in-game robbery time with your real-world time. This detail can make or break your heist. The game offers several specific time windows when you can attempt the robbery:
  • Midnight Train: Attempt this robbery at exactly 12:00 AM (your local time).
  • Sunrise Train: This train appears at 6:00 AM (your local time).
  • Sunset Train: Scheduled for 6:00 PM (your local time).
  • High Noon Train: Try this robbery at 12:00 PM (your local time).
  • 4:20 Train: A unique option, available at 4:20 PM (your local time).
  • Pro Tip: Set an alarm for 11:55 PM if you’re targeting the Midnight Train. This will give you a few minutes to prepare and ensure you don’t miss the narrow time window.
  • If you purchased Bitlife Dealer Job Pack or have Bitlife Mod APk, then it will be 1 minute task.

Executing Train Robbery:

Here’s how my character fared during several attempts to rob different trains:

  1. First Attempt – Midnight Train:
    • I waited patiently until the clock struck 12:00 AM and executed the robbery. My character successfully pulled off the heist, escaping with £4.9 million. However, not every attempt was this successful.
  2. Subsequent Attempts – High Noon and 4:20 Train:
    • My character failed to rob the 4:20 PM train and the High Noon train on the first try. The setback was disappointing, but it provided valuable insights. I learned that failure isn’t the end; it’s part of the process.
  3. Critical Discovery:
    • After some research and gameplay experimentation, I discovered that attempting to cheat the game’s time mechanic can lead to your character’s untimely demise. It’s crucial to adhere to the real-time clock, as manipulating time settings can result in dire consequences.
  4. Second Successful Heist – High Noon Train:
    • On my next attempt, I succeeded in robbing the High Noon train, making off with £9.7 million. The reward was sweeter after the initial failures, proving that persistence pays off.
  5. Final Heist – Midnight Train Redux:
    • With confidence boosted, I targeted the Midnight Train once more. This time, my character pulled off the heist and escaped with £8.5 million. The midnight hours proved lucrative, highlighting the importance of timing and strategy.

Pro Tips for How to Rob Train in Bitlife:

Robbing a train in BitLife is both a thrilling and challenging experience. Success depends on careful timing, persistence, and a bit of luck. Here are a few final tips to maximize your chances:

  • Stay Patient: If you don’t succeed on the first attempt, don’t give up. Each failure teaches you something new.
  • Mind the Timing: Synchronize your game actions with real-time to ensure success.
  • Avoid Cheating: Resist the temptation to manipulate the time settings. The game’s mechanics are designed to penalize such actions.


Robbing a train in BitLife is a unique experience that blends strategy, timing, and a bit of historical flair. By following this guide on How to Rob Train in BitLife, you’ll be well on your way to pulling off successful heists and accumulating wealth in the game.

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