Becoming the Youngest Dealer in BitLife: A 6-Year-Old’s Journey to Six Figures

Hey everyone! Today, I’m about to break new ground in BitLife by becoming the youngest dealer in the game. Until recently, we all thought the earliest age you could start committing crimes in BitLife was around eight years old. But with the release of the new Dealer Job Pack, that age has been pushed back even further, you can now start dealing at just six years old!

I Became Dealer in age of 6 - Dealer Job Pack

Challenge and Goal:

Imagine being a tiny six-year-old with wide eyes and a bow in your hair, navigating the world of dealing. That’s the challenge for today’s article: becoming the youngest dealer in BitLife.

The goal is to make six figures before turning 18, relying solely on dealing. I’m not even sure if that’s possible, but I’m going to give it my best shot. And here’s a twist: the only source of income can be dealing no side jobs, no sneaky inheritance, just pure hustle. After completing your goal, if you go travel to GCC Countries the you must have check your GAMCA Medical Status.

Setting Up the Game

First things first, we need to be born with dealing as a special talent. Starting as a random character in BitLife, I was born Charlotte, a female in Regina, Canada. My special talent is Appearance. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to max out my smarts and willpower qualities that are essential for a successful dealer.

As I advance to the age of six, I start thinking about who my first customers will be. Family? Friends? The possibilities are endless. But the main challenge is to sell enough items to reach $100,000 before I turn 18. It’s a daunting task, especially when your first sales options are a homemade postcard for $1 or a half-eaten chocolate bar.

The Struggle Begins

As a six-year-old, the options for dealing are pretty limited. You can sell small, random items like half-eaten chocolate bars or scented markers to friends and family. But the payoffs are low a few dollars here, a few dollars there. It’s frustrating, but I’m determined to keep going.

Making friends in primary school becomes a priority because more friends mean more potential customers. However, dealing with only a small network of friends means my options for making big money are still quite limited. I start to realize just how hard it’s going to be to hit six figures.

Expanding the Hustle

By the time I turn eight, the dealing options expand slightly. Now, I can offer items like homemade pickles, weighted dice, and even a case of Mountain Dew. The payoffs start to increase, but only marginally. A jar of pickles sells for $1, and a case of Mountain Dew nets me $10 still a long way from my goal.

As I age, the items I can deal continue to grow in value. By age 10, I’m dealing things like nunchucks, a jar of nutmeg, and even a bottle of Advil. But the earnings still hover around $10 to $50 per item. It’s progress, but it’s slow. I start to wonder if this challenge is even possible.

Adapting and Overcoming

At age 12, the options finally start to get interesting. I can now deal a realistic fake gun for $30 or an instant camera for $49. This is where I begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Selling instant cameras becomes my go-to move, especially since my sister seems to have an endless appetite for them.

Despite my best efforts, it’s clear that making $100,000 is going to take a lot longer than I anticipated. By age 13, I’ve only managed to scrape together around $1,000. The items I’m dealing air tags, used cell phones, concert tickets still don’t bring in the kind of money I need to hit my goal.

The Final Push

As I reach 18, I’m determined to see if anything changes in terms of dealing options. I’m hoping for big-ticket items like computers or rare collectables, but the options remain frustratingly limited. Even joining a cartel doesn’t yield much more than $44 per deal. I experiment with selling items like a mini bottle of whiskey or a homemade flamethrower, but it’s clear that I’m not going to reach six figures.

In the end, the challenge is a failure at least in terms of making $100,000. But I’ve learned a lot about the mechanics of dealing in BitLife and had a lot of fun trying. The fact that you can start dealing as early as six years old is wild, and while it might not make you rich, it’s definitely a unique experience in the game.

Closing Thoughts

Would I recommend trying this challenge? Absolutely, if only for the sheer novelty of it. But if you’re looking to get rich in BitLife, there are definitely easier ways to do it. If you want to get unlimited money to take control of your cartel and become KingPin then download the Bitlife Mod APK.

Thanks for joining me on this crazy journey. Don’t forget to check out my digital previous blog on complete guide on Bitlife Dealer Job Pack! And if you enjoyed this article, then don’t forget to share it your friends and family too. Until next time, happy BitLifing!